Johannes Peter Assorted Code snippets and Dev devices

Understanding Symbolic Links

Part 1 : VirtualBox Port Forwarding
Part 2 : SSH Workflow Tips
Part 3 : Understanding Symbolic Links

Symbolic links, or “Symlinks” are a fundamental part of the Linux toolbox. They allow you to make a file or folder accessible from another location as if by reference.

Symbolic links are used everywhere in Linux. Many applications like apache2 and nginx require them for their configuration files, and they can be a powerful tool for your workflow.

When using compilers such as gcc, It is not uncommon to have multiple versions installed for different projects. On one of my servers I have both version 4.6 as well as version 4.9 installed, which can be run with gcc-4.6 and gcc-4.9 respectively:

But I can also run gcc via just gcc, which defaults to version 4.9:

So how does Linux know which version to run? Are there two copies of the same program installed under different names?

When looking in the directory that contains gcc (which we can find by running which gcc) we will see the following in the output of ls -l:

It turns out that gcc is not actually its own executable file, but instead is a symbolic link that points to gcc-4.9.

Assuming you’ve enabled color in your .bashrc file, the turquoise text represents a symbolic link, followed by an arrow that shows what the link is linking to. In this case, the symbolic link is named gcc and linking to the file gcc-4.9

To help understand exactly how this works, let’s take a step back and look at another example. If you’ve used C++ you should be familiar with the concept of a reference:

int    a = 1;
int &r_a = a;         // storing a reference to `a`

cout <<   a << endl;  // 1
cout << r_a << endl;  // 1

r_a = 5;              // modifying `a` via the reference

cout <<   a << endl;  // 5
cout << r_a << endl;  // 5

A Symbolic link is very similar to a reference. For the user touching the reference, they don’t know or care that r_a is effectively a proxy and not its own discrete location in memory. They are modifying it as if it was its own int.

Let’s try re-creating this example with symlinks.

To create a symbolic link we use the ln command with the -s flag. The basic format is:

ln -s <path/to/source> <path/to/link>

To mirror the reference example above, let’s create a.txt and a symbolic link named s_a.txt:

echo "1" > a.txt      # 'a.txt' is a text file that contains '1'
ln -s a.txt s_a.txt   # 's_a.txt' is a symbolic link to 'a.txt'

We can now access the data, as well as modify it through the symlink:

You can also create a symbolic link to a directory, then interact with it as if it was a real folder:

A symbolic link is technically neither a file nor a directory. How it is interpreted depends only on the path it was created with, and what that path contains when the symbolic link is evaluated.

When you create a symbolic link, the only thing it stores is the path/to/source you provided. Whether a symbolic link represents a file, a directory, or nothing (a path that doesn’t exist), is not decided until the exact moment you attempt to access it. We can observe that as follows:

Start with symbolic link s_b pointing to a directory named b:

If we remove the original directory b, the symbolic link is now invalid (as you can see by the red color), and cannot be accessed:

If we now create a text file named b then the same symbolic link s_b will now point to that file:

This only works because s_b was created using path b.

If instead we had created it with the path b/:

ln -s b/ s_b

Then the path stored would only ever evaluate to a directory, since files cannot contain the / character:

Symbolic links have many useful applications. Here are a few examples:

Easy Versioning

If you recall the gcc example above, it is not uncommon to want to access the latest version of a file or directory without having to explicitly state the version number.

For example, let’s say you have several versions of your app: my_app_v1/, my_app_v2/, my_app_v3/ and want to have a webserver only host the latest version.

You can create a symbolic link called my_app_latest which points latest version you need. That way you can just always point your webserver to my_app_latest/:

When the time comes to install my_app_v4/, you can remove the old symlink with rm and re-create it, without having to restart the webserver:

In this case, manually swapping out the symbolic link would be much easier than updating the webserver’s configuration file, especially if multiple other applications all rely on my_app.

With web servers like apache2 or nginx you would have to reload a config file after changing it, but this way there is no need to restart them, since as far as they are concerned, nothing has actually changed.

Config File Management

Most Applications on Linux store their configuration files in /etc/<appname>.

For example, mysql might store its configuration files in /etc/mysql/,
php5 could have its files in /etc/php5/apache2/, etc.

While you could modify each file on its own as necessary, this is not very maintainable in the long run:

  • If you ever want to set up a similar configuration on another server, you’ll have to hunt for the files.
  • If you ever need to revert a configuration to a previous state, you will have no way to do so.

Ideally you would really want to use version control like git so you could store your configurations, revert them, and clone them on other machines as needed, but the files are all spread around.

That is where Symbolic links come in.

If you set up a single directory for your app’s files, such as /opt/my_app/, you can set up a git repo for its config files, located in (for example) /opt/my_app/configs/.

You would move the config files you need into the repository, then create a symlink back in the original location:

cd /etc/example
sudo mv file.conf /opt/my_app/configs/etc_example/
sudo ln -s /opt/my_app/configs/etc_example/file.conf

You can store configs in your repo under subdirectories that mirror their location in /etc/.... This makes it really easy to know where the config files should be symlinked to when you later clone this repo on a new server.

Furthermore, several Linux applications that have config files in /etc/ have the ability to load additional configuration files from a directory.

For example, while the default configuration file for php5 might be /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini, it also provides a directory /etc/php5/apache2/conf.d/, and any config file stored there (including symlinks) will be loaded after the default config file.

This lends itself really well to symlinks by design, and is demonstrative of Linux design in general. You can store all of your configuration files in one place, and then only symlink the ones you need on a given server.

Linux Server Basics
Part 1 : VirtualBox Port Forwarding
Part 2 : SSH Workflow Tips
Part 3 : Understanding Symbolic Links
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